Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why Ditch Free Enterprise?

I was just casually looking around my house and noticing all the products and tools that have been created by free people in the past 100 years or so:

The washing machine, vacuum cleaner, television, radio, post-it notes, snow blower, leaf blower, chain saw, tennis shoes, hair dryer, aerosol cans, electric oven/stove, microwave oven, personal computer, cell phone/telephone, fire alarm, fire extinguisher, paper towels, toilet paper, refrigerator/freezer, air conditioner, furnace, car/truck, roto-tiller, lawn mower/riding lawn mower, light bulb, shower, toilet, Tylenol, Ibuprofin, Q-tips, Band-Aids, Zycam, vitamins, electric razor, electric iron, video games, DVD's (also a few ancient VCR tapes), garage door opener, cough and cold medicine, sofa/recliner, frozen food, computer printer, toothpaste, shampoo, paper clips, crayons, ball point pens, magic markers, ink cartridges, paper napkins, crockpot, electric skillet, outdoor gas grill. . .

How many of these things were created by the Federal Government? How many of these items have been brought to you courtesy of the Federal Government? None of them. Chances are that most of us have most or all of these items in our home (maybe minus the snow blower for those of you in the sunny South. . .). But all of these things were created by free people in a free market. When they saw a need, they filled it and then enjoyed the fruit of their labor (it's called "profit" and there is nothing wrong with it, and everything right with it).

When a free people engage in free enterprise, everyone benefits. I am simply middle class. I am happy to be here. I live a healthy, happy life. You probably do too. So, why are there people who believe that the Federal Government can provide goods and services for us that are better than what free people in a free market can provide (when history has so clearly demonstrated that the Federal Government is by and large incompetent and wasteful)?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Why Are They So Afraid?"

Congressmen are still running away from their constituents. Take for example, Congressman John Boccieri of the 16th District in Ohio. Last night he conducted a Town Hall meeting--of sorts. It was a telephone conference call Town Hall meeting. Why telephone?

Our military faces the terrorists every day on the battlefield. The Army and the Marines go toe to toe against the enemy, but our Congressmen and women cannot stand in front of their own constituents and answer questions? Why won't they come out of hiding? What are they so afraid of?

Maybe it's the fact that they've been on vacation for the past two or three weeks and they STILL have not read HR 3200 (along with the President). Much of the country has read it, and rejected it. Much of the country has "read" the Congress' actions, and is about to reject them too.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

"Akron Tea Party"

Last night at the Akron Tea Party (actually it was in neighboring Cuyahoga Falls) was such a hoot. I kept looking for the Brooks Brothers wearing, unruly mobster-Nazis to show up, but all my wife and kids and I saw were peaceful Americans from every age group showing their love for their country. We love our freedom, we love the Constitution, we love America--and we don't plan on giving any of that up.

It was so much fun. Reading all the funny t-shirts and homemade signs. (In contrast to the paid phony demonstrators at other events--people at Tea Parties rarely have professional signs, and nobody buses us in.) It was great meeting all these fellow "community organizers"--all 7000 of us. I gave away every business card and other advertisements I had. People genuinely wanted to know more about how to elect some honest people who really stand for the Constitution.

Let me tell you about one person who is running for office: Jeanette Moll for U.S. House of Representatives. She is running against Zach Space in the 18th District of Ohio. She is dynamite. If you'd like to know more about her, go to

Next week, you can meet her in person at her Town Hall meeting--August 28, 6 PM, at Tuscora Park, 161 Tuscora Ave NW in New Philadelphia, OH. I hope thousands will show up and join her in some REAL hope and change based upon the founding principles of the Declaration and the Constitution. Like she says, if you show up at her Town Hall--you won't have to yell to be heard.

Friday, August 7, 2009


By now, I suppose you've heard that a blog on the White House website asks for your help to "report" on your fellow Americans. If you hear of people who are spreading "lies" or "disinformation" or "scare tactics" about the health care bill before Congress (HR 3200) you can e-mail the White House at Tell them about the naughty people who actually disagree with their government! Turn into a "snitch" and let the "authorities" know that there are people who are exercising their first amendment rights! Well, we can't have that can we?

Sure can. And we will. Last week I received a real e-mail from our President. In this official e-mail from the White House he urged us to spread "the truth" of what his health care plan entailed, and then he gave out several statements in the form of bullet points.

Well, yesterday my wife and I wrote to We said, "Dear Mr. President. You asked us to tell on our fellow Americans. You want us to report people who are lying about the health care bill before Congress. Here is a letter from someone who is not telling the truth." Then we cut and pasted his letter in the e-mail and sent it to him.

First Amendment. The right to free speech and the right to peaceably address our representatives with a redress of grievances. We're doing it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Long Train of Abuses"

In 1776 Thomas Jefferson and the committee that wrote the Declaration of Independence gave the world a list of compelling reasons for the 13 united States (each considering itself to be its own sovereign nation) to separate themselves from Great Britain. Jefferson called the abuses of the British crown, "a long train of abuses and usurpations. . . to reduce them under absolute Despotism. . . " Then he wrote out the list of how royal government had by-passed the laws of England in order to get what they wanted out of the American people.

It really stunned me when I read this abuse of powerby the British King: "He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance." To me, that sounds just like 34 "czars" who run our land now. Our President has created new bureaucracies (with more to come--like the "Health Czar") to rule over us in the form of a shadow government. This is in order by-pass our Constitution and enforce what they think is best for us--the peasants. Do not look to most of the people in our current Congress (either party) to stop this. They are either rushing it along, or complacent in "trying to get along."

If this new tyranny continues we will not be "the land of the free and the home of the brave." You'll have to finish the song with the line, "the land that once was free, and the home of the slave."