Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"President Potter"

Remember the movie "It's a Wonderful Life?" Go back to that great scene at the beginning of the Great Depression where George Bailey is pleading with his clients at the Building and Loan not to panick and run to Potter for help:

"I beg of you not to do this thing. If Potter gets a hold of this Building and Loan there'll never be another decent home built in this town. He's already got charge of the bank. He's got the bus line. He's got the department store. And now he's after us. Why? It's very simple. Because we're cuttin' in on his business. That's why. Because he wants to keep you livin' in his slums and payin' the kind of rent he decides. Can't you understand what's happening here? Can't you see what's happening? Potter's not selling--he's buying! And why? Because we're panicking and he's not!"

The President of the United States just ordered the CEO of a private company, GM, to resign. The CEO resigned. This is the most obscene power grab of a U.S. President I have ever witnessed. First of all, where in the Constitution (which Pres. Obama swore to uphold) does it enumerate that the President has the authority to fire the head of any private business? So, now the President--the Federal Government--is the de facto head of the largest auto company in America. The Federal Government under this current administration continues its march to nationalize the major industries of our country in order to "help out." Remember--whenever the government expands, your liberties contract.

In the beginning of the scene, Potter says to George: "George, I'm going all out to help you in this crisis. I've just guaranteed the banks suficient funds to meet their needs." George Bailey then turns to Uncle Billy and says, "They just took over the bank."
When Government says they're here to help, they really mean they are here to take over your life--whether it is health care, education, the banking industry, or now the transportation industry.

But all this is the natural result of CEOs who go crawling to the federal government for bailout money when their own mistakes cost them dearly. The fed is all too eager to print up more money and toss it to private companies in order to take over. With government shekels come shackles. And now we see the shackles of big government snapping tight around whatever is left of free enterprise in this country.

Potter acquired control over the banks, transportation (the bus line), and the department store in Bedford Falls. Only one little business stood in his way of total dominance.
That was just a movie.
If the Federal Government under the orders of the President and a compliant Congress can fire CEOs and take over private businesses, what's next? Who's next? Who will stop them?

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