Monday, December 14, 2009

A Time for Senators With Guts

The huge issue in front of the U.S. Senate right now is their "Health Care Reform Bill" (so-called). However, the other issue looming two inches right behind it is the Copenhagen summit on climate change. Reuters reports on December 8 that now "church leaders" in Copenhagen are handing out petitions with half a million signatures on it to the United Nations representatives to demand that a treaty be made to strangle the industrialization of advanced nations, tax them for their "carbon excesses" and transfer the wealth to poorer nations (read that: to dictators in third world nations).

I'll comment more on the sham of this entire Copenhagen meeting and the entire lying premise of global warming in another blog, but suffice it say that our President is completely in agreement to sign anything that will surrender our national sovereignty to the United Nations and to cripple the industrial power of a free United States.

But in order for this "climate change" treaty to take effect it must be passed by the U.S. Senate. Are there enough Senators with enough knowledge of our history, with enough belief in the basic God-given rights to freedom, with enough common sense to see through the lies of this marxist "climate change" hoax---and with enough guts--to vote down this attack upon the United States?

Check out this website which will show you which Senators are up for election in 2010. Then give them a call and remind them that their constituents are watching--and will vote next November:

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