Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Great Quotes from General George Patton"

I know many people are despondent today over the condition of our country. Tremendous unemployment, a wrecked economy, enemy nations lining up against us, and a federal government intent on ruling outside the confines of the Constitution. But don't give in or give up. Think about these two comments from a great leader of the past--General George Patton:

"The test of a man's character is how high he bounces back after he's hit bottom."

And this one: "Attack rapidly. . . without rest, however tired and hungry you may be. The enemy will be more tired and more hungry. Keep punching."

Today, keep punching. Not physically, of course, but mentally and spiritually. Be encouraged today. You cannot give up. Remember, 60 million Americans did not vote for socialism in the last election. And another 50 million voters just sat out the election. There are still plenty of people left in this country who see the threat of the socialist agenda, and we are still quiet active in doing the right things, the right way, to bounce back and reverse the course.

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