Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Pray for Congress"

I just got back from a meeting with some members of Congress. It was one of those "revelational" moments in life. You know what I mean: the curtain pulls back and you see a few things in a different light.

My view of certain political realities hasn't changed. I'm still conservative and committed to restoring a limited Constitutional republic. But I saw to a greater degree the humanity of the people who are elected to represent us. They were overwhelmed. "Well, we're all overwhelmed and exhausted, Jeff! At least they have a job, but they're not doing it!", I can hear some people saying. Yes, the vast majority of us are tired, and we have little sympathy for professional politicians who swore to uphold the Constitution, yet trample it at every turn.

But there are others. Other men and women who take their vow seriously, and are truly burdened and overwhelmed. They do walk the walk. Not perfectly (none of us do), and there are not enough of them, but they are there. Do you pray for them?

What about the Senators and Representatives with whom you strongly disagree? Do you pray for them? I mean, do you pray for them? I don't agree with them politically, but if you only pray for those you love, what good is that?

Look for your Representative or Senator on the internet. Find out their birthday and send them a card to their office. Genuinely pray for them. They have family problems and illnesses just like the rest of us. In the middle of the night, they probably have the same questions and fears we all do. Pray for them. You never know what can happen next. . .

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