Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Way to Go Israel!"

Check out this link. The Israelis take the threat of the Islamic-nazis seriously. Of course they get shelled or hit with missile attacks constantly. So they actually build and deploy a missile defense shield. And they don't care what ANYBODY thinks! Here's the site:

The only comment in the interviews with some of the Israelis that I would disagree with is the gentleman who said, "The only solution is a political solution." We tried a political solution with Adolf Hitler (anybody remember Neville Chamberlain and his "peace for our time?" worthless agreement with Hitler?). It didn't work because the naive Chamberlain and the do-gooders in western Europe were dealing with psycopathic murderers. So, we had to wipe them out--and we did it. Problem solved. No more Nazis in Europe.

What do you call the so-called "peace process" that has been going on for the past 18 years? How much peace has it accomplished? Hezbollah and Hamas have safe havens in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria--and are merely re-arming during this time of tentative "peace."

Oh yeah. By the way, elements of Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood, and numerous other Islamic-nazi terror cells are already here in America. They are training. They are here. The Israelis take the threat seriously. We "mirandize" terrorists, give them Constitutional rights and lawyers for free! Sleep well America. . . .

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